Driver Rehabilitation Services for Teenagers & Adults
Reach your full driving potential. Collaborate with us to achieve the mobility and independence driving safely can bring.
STRIVE for Independence is staffed with occupational therapists who are also Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialists that have years of experience working with clients across age groups, disabilities, and conditions. We have the education and a variety of adaptive equipment to help select the best options for you.
- Driver readiness evaluation (for those without a valid permit or license)
- Full evaluation (for those with a valid permit or license)
- Pre-driving preparation class
- Behind-the-wheel driving lessons

Adults with physical disabilities looking to return to driving following an injury or illness, such as stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, amputation, and other conditions. A variety of adaptive equipment is available if needed. To get started with an evaluation, you must have an order from your physician for Occupational Therapy (OT) Driver Evaluation and Treatment.

Older adults want to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible. We work with older adults and their families to keep them engaged in their community, despite normal aging changes or disease processes such as dementia, Parkinson's, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other conditions. To get started with an evaluation, you must have an order from your physician for Occupational Therapy (OT) Driver Evaluation and Treatment.

Teens/young adults with special needs who may require more individualized training than a typical driver's education course can offer. We work one on one with students to meet their driving goals at their own pace. Diagnoses may include ADHD, Autism Spectrum, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, dwarfism, retinopathy of prematurity, and others. To get started with an evaluation, you must be at least 15 years old and have an order from your physician for Occupational Therapy (OT) Driver Evaluation and Treatment.

Bioptic Telescopic Systems may be an option for clients who are unable to meet the Illinois state vision requirements with standard corrective lenses. Our therapists work with your vision specialist to evaluate and train you to drive using a bioptic telescopic system. The evaluation will also include an assessment of functional vision for driving and current understanding and use of BTS. You may or may not drive during the initial evaluation depending on prior driving history and current use of your BTS.